May 21, 2009

BrAG your F.A.R.M.

Our quick survey says most women infatuated with F.A.R.M. are wild about BAGs, too!

Too shy to admit it? Don't be.

F.A.R.M and Louise by TDS

If you have it, flaunt it!

F.A.R.M. on Jimmy Choo by TDS

Take a photo of F.A.R.M and your favorite purse together, and send to us.


  1. wow! T- you got yourself a fine purse collection. i happen to have a slight fixation over purses too! we are totally THE best of friends! lol..but in as much as i wanted to take loadsof pics, i can't, i am still waiting for my dozens and dozens of F.A.R.M.! May God speed!
