June 13, 2009

F.A.R.M. Virus on the Loose!

F.A.R.M. is contagious. Infectious.

From singles came wacky duos...

De los Santos sisters: Teresa and Bernadette

Then sweet threesomes...

Bricia sisters: Queenie, Wheng and Yayet

Bisuna sisters: Grazielle, Dion and Jane

Barrameda sisters: Sarah, Jan and Iris

Now an allied septenary, huh?

Botardo family: Pure, Connie, Mom Erlie, Carrie, Badette, Perlie and Ann Marie

F.A.R.M. is highly communicable among friends....

Gladys and friends in Dublin, Ireland

Sheryl and friends in Toronto, Canada

Now, what's iffy is when it starts to transmit to guileless little kiddos, too.

Turiano li'l sisters Bea and Sofia

Nadia's Sophia and Jet's Ara

Who's gonna be infected next?

1 comment:

  1. We are truly infected of F.A.R.M virus here in Dublin. Thanx to Gladys for spreading and sharing FARM to us :-). Till next spread-out again!!!
