August 5, 2009

Thank you, F.A.R.M.

This is F.A.R.M. blog's 100th story. For the first time and for this particular entry, I am shifting from "we" to "I". I decided to do this brief note, minus the fancy words, straight from the button of my heart.

On Saturday, I asked Bidibidi if she could train my nephew and niece on how to do the bracelets. She gladly said yes and informed me that she's holding a training session for two workers the next day. I then called up and asked my cousin to send her two children to the F.A.R.M. training.

My nephew Christian started learning the job on Sunday. He was the only one who could make it that day.

Christian was a very diligent and conscientious student in highschool and in the first semester in nursing school, which he wasn't able to continue. His father is very hardworking. His mother (who is my first-degree cousin) attends to all her six children, the youngest is one year old. They are a good family in all respects. I encouraged my cousin to also learn to do the bracelets so that her and Christian's income combined would be a great help to their family. She was very keen on the opportunity I offered and was sincerely thankful.

I heard that Christian earned his first salary out of doing the bracelets the next day. I'm sure it was small but it was his very first earning and he needed it.

The biggest perk I enjoy as the staunchest supporter of F.A.R.M. is when I see stories like this unfold before my eyes. While I love seeing photos of F.A.R.M. circulating abroad and being worn by people of different cultures, I would not trade knowing the fact that F.A.R.M. is indeed helping people. And now it's helping and giving hope to my own family.

You have seen in the 99 blogs over the past three months how successful F.A.R.M. has become in so short a time. It is probably because there are over 8,000 active and silent F.A.R.M.ers, supporters, fans, skeptics and even antagonists willingly and reluctantly wanting to follow the F.A.R.M. story. I personally thank all of you for taking the interest to read about F.A.R.M. and its activities. Your patronage is the reason of our success.

But I thank you more for your sincerity to help us continue the F.A.R.M. advocacy. With Christian's simple story, I feel I am starting to fulfill my personal objective. With Buttons to Hope, I wish that more young men and women will benefit from free college education. We may not be able to achieve a million pesos, but I hope we can still send a few scholars to school. I couldn't imagine the amount of pride and fulfillment I would feel if that happens. I was inspired by Bidibidi's noble heart and I continue to be inspired by your encouragement.

The very precious minutes I spend everyday on the F.A.R.M. blog are very much worth it. I pray that I will always have good health and unending inspiration to continue writing about F.A.R.M. for many, many months and years to come.

After writing 100 blogs, I want to ask, what was your favorite F.A.R.M. story? And why? Please send us your feedback by either writing a comment on this post (with your name indicated) or sending an email to us at at

Thank you,


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